The Really Regenerative Centre is a learning and regenerative development institute for leaders who aspire to shift our current economy towards a regenerative, life-enhancing economy.

We exist to support leaders in urban and rural strategic development, social and environmental entrepreneurs, landowners and managers, organisations and people involved in construction and design, stewards and guardians of our natural resources - to find the knowledge, insights, wisdom and develop the qualities they need - through peer-to-peer learning journeys.

We believe in four foundational principles for change

  • We Design the way we Think: to change the way we Design we have to Change the way we Think

  • We Live & Work the way we Know | To change the way we Live & Work we have to Change what we Know

  • We Relate from the Role we Think we have | To change the way we Relate we have to Change the Role

  • Think in Living Systems | Work with UnKnowing & NewKnowing | Reverse the Role from Self to Evolutionary Systemic Service

We design and deliver Learning Journeys to public communities, customised programmes for organisations and - when lockdown restrictions are sufficiently rolled back - a programme of live events where our growing community can come together.

Our work is informed by a long heritage of regenerative development, living systems principles, developmental psychology, ecology, technology - and 3.8 billion years of nature's research and deveopment.

We offer courses designed by our founders, and together with other regenerative practitioners who have complimentary knowledge and wisdom.

In particular we serve the evolutionary development of the following sectors:-



(current & past)

The Power of Place

Our learning journey for place-based professionals seeking to create:-

  • whole, inviting, living, thriving cities towns and villages connected to our rural landscapes.
  • interconnected, supportive, diverse communities.
  • transform our extractive experiences to inclusive learning journeys to revitalise our economies, food systems, tourism.

This journey is for imaginative, visionary, resilient, regenerative people who want to bring diverse communities together in an evolutionary journey back towards a way of being, living and acting that gives all future generations life.

Reconnecting to the Power of Place can help us transform our extractive global economies, to regenerative thriving places where all life flourishes.

The Regenerative Path

in collaboration with Hawkwood College

The Regenerative Path is a journey to develop the qualities and practices of regenerative leadership to help participants create the change we need for a new, vibrant, life-affirming and regenerative economy to emerge. 

Together we will journey through a new way of perceiving and working in the world through living systems. We will explore the challenges we face and practice together what we learn as we go, adapting, learning and evolving our change practice and, by doing so, increase our effectiveness in supporting organisations, teams and colleagues through this liminal space of transformative change.

The Regenerators Journey

Our 12 week learning journey in partnership with Regenerators which took 175 leaders from all over the world through a personal development exploration of the future.

Designed together with Laura Storm, our cohorts explored:

  • the story of separation - how we got where we are
  • living systems principles - how we design for complexity
  • how to be an ecosystemic acupunturist and thinker
  • qualities and practices of regenerative leaders
  • regenerative pathways for organisational design

We do not anticipate running any further Regenerators Journeys in 2021.